Gin distillery at the Spanish Horse Riding School

Book your Gin-Experience in our Distillery at Michaelerplatz 1
What you can expect
Our Gin Experiences have a duration of about 90 minutes. Depending how much questions you have to our Brennmeister and how much fun we have during the tour. We start at 17:30.
The Gin Experiences take place at the Cafe from the Spanish Horse Riding School. The precise adress is Michaelerplatz 1, 1010 Vienna.
We start with a welcome drink. After that you will be introduced in to the world of Gin destillery. Accompanied by our Gin-Brennmeister. Each participant will distill their own Gin. An imporant part is the tasting. Beginning from the different botanicals, which give the Gin the special flavor. And you taste the pure Gin with or without a Tonic. Thats up to you. By the end, we will send you home with a special Gift from our distillery. -
You can order your Gin Experience online in our shop and if you don't find the perfect offer or date, write us an email to and we will work out things together.